How many times can coroplast boxes be used to pack snacks?


coroplast boxes are sturdy, reusable boxes used for packaging and turnover of snacks. Most of its materials are environmentally friendly polypropylene, which has good impact resistance and wear resistance. The service life depends on the frequency of use, storage environment, transportation method, etc. It can last for several years if properly stored. Pay attention to maintenance when using it and avoid direct sunlight, high temperature and excessive impact. Check regularly and promptly repair or replace damaged or aging boxes.

corflute boxes are sturdy, reusable boxes used for packaging and turnover of snacks. So the question is, how many times can such a box be used?

First, let us understand the material of the corflute boxes. They are usually made of environmentally friendly polypropylene materials, which have good impact resistance and wear resistance. This means that as long as they are properly kept and used, the life of the hollow crate is very long.

For example, there is a well-known snack brand that uses hollow cardboard boxes to package and circulate their snack products. Due to proper storage and use, their boxes have been in good condition for over 2 years.

Of course, if you do not pay attention to maintenance during use, or are frequently hit and squeezed, the service life of the box will definitely be affected.

So, in order to maximize the value of hollow board boxes, we must pay attention to the following points:
1. The storage environment should be dry, ventilated, and avoid direct sunlight and high temperatures.
2. Handle with care during use to avoid excessive impact and compression.
3. Regularly check the integrity of the boxes, and promptly repair or replace them if any damage or aging is found.

In short, pp hollow board boxes are a very practical packaging and turnover tool, as long as we pay attention to maintenance and usage, they can be used many times.


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